Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Too Long...

It has been over 6 months since I've even thought about writing anything (or thought to have the time to write anything) on this blog. I guess it's a good thing that I don't get paid to do this. I'd be broke! Emilia is a little over 13 months now. She isn't walking but is super close. I'm assuming since we are trying to teach her two languages at the same time, she is taking her time actually speaking words. She can say "mama", "dada","baba"( grandmother in Slovak),"papa"(bye in Slovak), etc. You get the point. The pediatrician said that within two months she should be able to say 5 words. I better get to teaching. I try. I'm not fluent in Slovak but I do try. With Peter always working, it's hard. I mean, he is the one who "knows" the language. Anyway, I'm not too worried. She is perfect! I'll catch up a little later on as soon as I remember exactly where I left off (with pictures, too!).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Catching up... part three

So, we are at the end of our "catch up". As you can see, not too much has gone on. She just keeps getting bigger and bigger. At the 6 month check up (on June 18th), she was 15lbs 13 oz and was 26" long. She is right around the 50% for both height and weight. We do not have another appointment until September.
Emi and Daddy watching the FIFA World Cup. Slovakia was playing Italy (and won) in this photo.
Me and Emi watching the fireworks on the 4th of July. We all went to TN to visit my mom. We had a great time hanging out by the lake, playing volleyball and talking.

Emi smiling for the camera. She is getting really good at posing!

Oh, and I forgot to mention. For Peter's 32nd birthday, I bought him a motorcycle. What do you think?

Emi will be 7 months old this Sunday (July 18th). She still does not have any teeth and is not interested in crawling. Tummy time with her has been quite a battle. It usually ends with her screaming and screaming until I pick her up. However, for the few minutes she does enjoy it, she is able to scoot around and grab a toy or two. I know it will take time and she will develop at her own pace. I'm not too worried. Once she starts moving, my life gets more complicated. I'll just bask in the glory of "immobile but happy" for now!

Catching up... part two

This is all three of us at a cookout over Memorial Day weekend. The water was a bit too cold for her since the pool is pretty much shaded most of the time. We just hung out and ate great food.
Emi and Daddy enjoying a relaxing day in the pool.

The three of us out for Peter's Name Day. We went to Maggiano's. The waitress wasn't the best photographer (hence the cut off head and blinking eye).

Emi playing with her passport. We got it in the mail recently. So far we have only two trips planned: Jamaica in August and Slovakia in December. We are ready!

Catching up...

So, I haven't posted in almost three months so I'll get right down to the essentials. Below are a few pictures of what's been going on.
Emi's first feeding consisted of rice cereal. Yuck! She agreed.

She likes to jump around in her swing while mommy works.

First visit to the pool. She was apprehensive at first but got used to it.

Her serious look. She is playing in a baby pool with her friend Ethan. He is a little older than her but they have a good time together.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

4 months old

Emilia is really starting to discover things. She loves to sit and play with her toys. She studies them very intently. She loves her hands and her feet. But, of course, who wouldn't!

We are hanging out together all day, every day. Daddy is working a lot right now so we are just being the girls at home (missing dad).

New sunglasses and a new hat have been purchased in anticipation for the spring and summer. We are looking forward to visiting the pool and hanging out on the deck. There is a park connected to our neighborhood. We go for walks, occasionally. She loves being outside in her stroller. So much to look at!

Tummy time is getting better and better. Some days are more productive than others. She roller over from her back to her belly for the first time yesterday. Soon enough she'll be sitting up, crawling, walking and then getting married. It all goes by so fast.
At her 4 month check up she weighed 14lbs 10oz and was 24 1/4" long. Our little girl is growing. I haven't introduced rice cereal yet. I bought it along with bowls and spoons but am a little nervous about our first feeding. I think I'll be ready next week. I know she is!

Too busy...

So, it's been quite a while since I wrote and posted something. As many of you know having a child takes up a lot of time but that isn't an excuse. Since my last update, I've learned to deal with the stress a little better. Each days gets a little easier.

Having Peter's parents here was great. I really do love spending time with them. The language barrier thing isn't as bad as you would think. I speak some Slovak and they try really hard to know English. Plus, there are hand gestures (the good kind) and pictures and simple things that make it easier. Peter's parents fell in love with Emi at first sight. Peter's mom was a little nervous the first night because every time she held her, Emi would cry. Since Emi is such a lovable little person, they warmed up quickly to one another and it was smiles from there on out. We did not end up going anywhere as a small trip. Peter had to work the first week his parents were here. It was me, Emi and Peter's parents alone for a few days. No biggie! Time went by really fast. I missed them as soon as he left to take them to the airport. It took a couple of days to get back into the swing of things without them here. It was quiet and there was no feast for me every morning, noon and night. I think I gained about 10 lbs while they were here. Oh well!

Since Peter and I are not religious, we didn't celebrate Easter. I kind of felt Emi was too young for an Easter basket. My mother did make her one though. I kept the basket and will most likely do something next year. I want to teach Emi the customs of Slovakia too for all the holidays. I know it might be confusing at first but I think she will appreciate it later in life. Plus, I think it will make her feel special that she has something extra to share with her friends about her heritage when she is old enough.

I recently turned 28. I haven't really gotten to the point in my aging where it bothers me. Maybe because I am still in my 20s or maybe it never will. I guess we'll have to wait and see. For my birthday, Peter took me to see a concert featuring Guster and Ben Harper. It was a really good concert. We always like to get out of the house together for a bit. Unfortunately, Peter has to get up at 4am and go to work quite often so we don't stay out too late anymore. I don't mind too much since Emi wakes up pretty early in the morning and I have to get up as well.

Well, that is the past two months in a nut shell. I'll be more active about posting things. Pictures are next. Promise!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quite Overwhelming...

As I prepared for the arrival of my in-laws, thoughts of running away started to fly around my mind. Trying to do too much was taking a toll, but I would, of course, push through. I sat for a moment with my head in my hands thinking, "I can't be everywhere all the time". However, I can apparently be everyone...
a wife
a mother
a daughter
a sister
a niece
a granddaughter
a great granddaughter
a grand niece
a sales manager
an office manager
a dog walker
a maid
a chef
a hostess
a friend
a sister-in-law
and for the next three weeks...a very happy daughter-in-law to the greatest in-laws!

Even though there is a slight language barrier, it isn't as bad as it would seem. I've made great efforts to learn Slovak and they to learn English.

Although it seems like a lot when written down and even when thought of for a brief moment (which is usually what I have), it isn't. It is a great honor to be all of this to all of these people.